LeaderRichland Speaker Application General InformationLeaderRichland inspires 7th- and 8th-grade students to discover career pathways in north central Ohio. Founded by Ohio State Representative Marilyn John, LeaderRichland is an annual event of Richland Area Chamber & Economic Development, North Central State College, and The Ohio State University at Mansfield. 7th and 8th-grade students have the opportunity to explore the NCSC/OSU-Mansfield campus and meet with area professionals in multiple career fields including education, finance, healthcare, manufacturing, skilled trades, technology, professional services, and more. LeaderRichland encourages young people to pursue higher education and find careers they are passionate about in Richland County. The 2025 LeaderRichland event on May 15, 16, and 19, 2025, is for 7th- and 8th-grade girls. Individuals working in north central Ohio are invited to apply by February 28, 2025, to be a speaker. You will be notified of your acceptance as an event speaker by March 28, 2025. Speaker orientation takes place April 11, 2025, from 12 to 1 p.m. at the United Way Conference Room at Park National Bank (3 N Main St #303, Mansfield, OH 44902). This will be an opportunity to learn more about the event expectations and receive guidance on designing an activity. A light lunch will be provided.GoalsLeaderRichland is a free program that connects 7th and 8th-grade students with area professionals of distinction. By sharing personal experiences, speakers showcase the opportunities that abound in Richland County including the variety of professions, educational backgrounds, and pathways to success in our region. The goals of LeaderRichland are to: Strengthen the school district’s standing among the community and private sector. Encourage students to think about personal goals and aspirations. Provide a roadmap to achieving success. Connect a network of role models and professionals to area students. Demonstrate and Reinforce the Ohio Means Jobs Professional Skills to students. Presentation StructureAs a speaker, you will prepare a 30-minute presentation which will be repeated four times each day. 10 minutes on your background story 20 minutes on an engaging activity related to your job or profession. First, what is your story? The key to LeaderRichland is you sharing your story of your career and education experiences as examples. Research shows that youth make career selections based on their parents’ or extended family members’ choices. LeaderRichland can extend that awareness by showcasing the multitude of options—trade and career schools, two- or four-year degrees, and postgraduate work—in all sectors. Second, lead students through an interactive activity that reinforces skills they would use in a career at your organization. Here are examples of Professional Skills from OhioMeansJobs that you can emphasize through an activity: Teamwork/Collaboration - The student builds collaborative relationships with others and can work as part of a team. Learning Agility - The student desires to continuously learn new information and skills. Leadership - The student leverages the strengths of others to achieve common goals. He or she coaches and motivates peers and can prioritize and delegate work. Global/Intercultural Fluency - The student values, respects, and learns from diverse groups of people. Career Management - The student is a self-advocate. He or she articulates strengths, knowledge, and experiences relevant to success in a job or postsecondary education. Creativity/Innovation - The student is original and inventive. He or she communicates new ideas to others, drawing on knowledge from different fields to find solutions. Oral and Written Communications - The student articulates thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively in written and oral forms. Digital Technology - The student has an understanding of emerging technology and leverages technology to solve problems, complete tasks and accomplish goals. Problem-Solving - The student exercises strong decision-making skills, analyzes issues effectively, and thinks creatively to overcome problems. Program StructureProgram Structure Audience: Four (4) session groups of approximately 15 7th and 8th-grade girls. Each group session will be 30 minutes. Each day, the schools are divided into smaller chaperoned groups, with each group visiting four classrooms/speakers and a lunch session. Speakers are asked to check in between 8:45 and 9:30 a.m. each day at Riedl Hall for room assignments. A free lunch courtesy of Chuck Hahn, Cleveland Financial Group, is provided to speakers in the Eisenhower Board Room, which offers a networking opportunity. Speakers are assigned lunch during Session 3 or Session 4. The opening session for students is from 9:30 to 10 a.m. at Founders Auditorium. Lunch for students is in the Eisenhower Marketplace. Session 1: 10:10 to 10:40 a.m. Session 2: 10:50 to 11:20 a.m. Session 3: 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Session 4: 12:10 to 12:40 p.m. Session 5: 12:50 to 1:20 p.m. First Name *Last Name *Organization Name *Street Address *Apartment, suite, etcCity *State/Province *ZIP / Postal Code *Work Email Address *Mobile Phone *For event day communicationOffice Phone *Professional Bio *50 words or less0 / 50Describe the activity you will lead for students during your sessions. *20-minute activity involving the development of leadership or job-related skills. Activity design will be covered during speaker orientation.Technology and Activity NeedsSelect all of the dates that you are available to speak at LeaderRichland 2025. You will be assigned to one or more days based on your availability and the number of students attending per school. *Thursday, May 15, 2025, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.Friday, May 16, 2025, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.Monday, May 19, 2025, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.Do you plan to use a slide deck? *YesNoIf using a slide deck, please bring your own laptop and you will be assigned a room with a projector.Technology CommentsDoes your activity require a space other than a standard classroom? *YesNoActivity CommentsList any accommodations that would help you be successful in your presentation.Signature *Start signing your signature hereYour browser does not support e-Signature field.By signing, I am accepting the LeaderRichland speaker responsibilities.SubmitSave as Draft