Training Opportunities


Business Owners Sharing Solutions brings together the movers and shakers in the business world to network and discuss issues that all business owners and managers face. A speaker or panel of speakers address a topic and offer solutions and guided networking.

Business Boot Camp Series

These condensed classes are a great way for you and your staff to receive education and training for a very small fee. Topics are wide ranging and cover issues that all businesses and employees can learn from. The classes are offered several times throughout the year and are typically over the breakfast, or lunch hour.

Legislative Events

These periodic events allow members the opportunity to hear from local government leaders who represent our area on issues important to their business. There is typically time for questions and answers as well as time for networking.


The Richland Area Chamber has partnered with SCORE to offer free small business counseling services. They assist with a variety of topics from business planning and expansion to cash flow management. Call the Chamber today to set up an appointment.