
When you relocate, you absolutely have to have solid employment options. And that pool has to cover all ranges of skill sets aligned with well-paying positions. There is a vibrant and competitive job market in Richland County, which continues to trend upward. Specifically, there’s an extremely high demand for registered nurses and nursing assistants, manufacturing data analysts and engineers, as well as industrial and construction labor.

Public & Private Schools

Education is a huge concern for families. You need an environment that has options, high test scores and a community that supports new facilities and builds through levies. Richland County constantly shows how important teaching the future of America is through new schools and continual growth.

There are nine public school systems and three private schools in Richland County. Mansfield City Schools boasts a Blue Ribbon Spanish Immersion Elementary and the Springmill STEM Elementary.

STEM Programs

STEM programs exist throughout the county: Crestview High has a STEM Ag as well as aeronautics, and Lexington and Ontario have developed robotics and engineering curriculums. Madison and Mansfield Comprehensive High Schools have pioneered a medical curriculum that promotes graduates who leave with Industry Certified Credentials.

Higher Education

Richland County has you covered for higher education as well. The regional campuses allow students to take college classes, earn credits, figure out a career direction all while being able to save money through tuition and not having to live on campus.

North Central State College has an enrollment of over 3,000, and The Ohio State at Mansfield maintains 1,500 students. Madison Adult Career Center and Pioneer Career and Technology Center provide upskilling and career training to over 200 adults each year. All of Richland County’s Educational Partners strive to identify the skills that are needed within our region and maintain programs to meet that demand.