We began with extensive input from our members and other community leaders, who helped us craft the framework of the plan. After careful consideration, we officially adopted this new 3-year Strategic Plan in January 2022.
The plan’s main focus areas are:
Foster Economic Strength – through advocating for economic diversity, growth, and resiliency.
Cultivate Quality Talent – through advocating for an environment where businesses successfully develop, recruit, and retain an agile workforce.
Champion Community Excellence – through advocating for Richland County to be the premier place to live, work and raise a family.
We know that achieving these goals will require strong leadership, dedication, commitment, and broad collaboration from all three organizations. And we know that if we work together as one voice speaking up for what matters most in our community—we can make Richland County the BEST place to live, learn, work, and play in Ohio!
We invite you to look at the plan and share it with others interested in joining this vital work. We believe that our future opportunities are strong, and we look forward to partnering with you to help make them a reality!
If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Messner, RAC&ED Director of Marketing & Communications, at smessner@richlandareachamber.com.